The glass block is clear with a 3-D image of Winchester Country Club logo etched into the middle of the block. When you shine light into the block it emits a rainbow spectra in the right light. Picture 1 was taken just before sunset, around 8pm. Picture 2 was taken at 11am the next day near the same spot. Picture 1 has a dark value unlike picture 2, which has a light value. Picture 1 looks like it was taken when it was dark outside. The image has no shadows and the sky is dark. Picture 2 has shadows, the image itself has a shadow and the surrounding background.
Picture one's hue has several different colors, light gray, dark green, and dark brown from the surrounding fences. The glass is also darker and less reflective. In picture 2 the hue is much lighter, there is light green, dark green, white and clear glass. You can even read the Winchester logo clearer. Picture 1 has more saturation than picture 2. Picture 1 has dark intensive green and dark glass. Picture 2 has a lighter, brighter saturation with white light green and clear glass.
Hey I really really like the idea that you used glass for this post, I think you were able to represent the material much better!!! I never really thought of using an object the way you had. I love the way you were able to describe all the key terms as it related!!!
I think you picked a very good object to use for your assignment. The clear glass was perfect for the different colors and shades. It fit the assignment perfectly
The picture of the glass looks like ice in the evening and normal in mid-day light.
Good job, James.
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